外國公司來台灣投資: 公司登記、會計、稅務及薪資處理服務





Taiwan has tax treaties signed with over 30 countries. This is to prevent double taxation and allow cooperation with overseas tax authorities in enforcing tax laws.

In Taiwan, a foreign individual or corporation of which is resident in the country that has tax treaty with Taiwan, would follows the terms and conditions stated in the tax treaty and enjoy the benefit of withholding tax (WHT) reduction or exemption.


有常設機構 (PE) 的非居民公司(常設機構的條款和條件在稅收協定中有所規定),其徵稅方式與居民公司相似。
第 73 條規定,來自台灣非居民個人或沒有 PE 的公司的台灣來源收入(TSI)將受到預提稅。

1.支付給非居民個人和公司的款項,例如股息、佣金、利息、租金、特許權使用費和 TSI。
2.支付給居民個人和公司的款項,例如僱員的工資、個人房東的租金、補償、律師或註冊會計師 (CPA) 的專業費用。

A non-resident company with Permanent Establishment (PE) (terms and conditions of PE is stated in tax treaties), is taxed similarly to a resident company.

Article 73 states that Taiwan Source Income (TSI) derived from non-resident individual or company without PE in Taiwan would be subject to WHT.

WHT in Taiwan may applies to the followings:

  1. Payments to nonresident individuals and companies such as dividend, commission, interest, rental, royalties and TSI.
  2. Payments to resident individual and companies such as salaries to employees, rent to individual landlord, compensation, professional fees to lawyer or Certified Public Accountant (CPA).

預扣稅率Withholding Tax Rate

一般來說,台灣居民向非居民服務提供者(無論是公司還是個人)支付服務費用,如果支付構成 TSI,則需要按 20% 的稅率預扣所得稅。

所得稅法第 8 條和台灣來源收入(TSI)指南第 15-1 條,在台灣沒有常設機構(PE)的外國公司須繳納預扣稅。對第15-1條的修改採用認定利潤率法計算預提稅率。

預提稅率 = 認定利潤率 (*) X 貢獻率 (**) X 20%

* 推定利潤率可從會計記錄或類似合同或行業可比中獲得。

** 貢獻率必須由 COA 或類似批准的合同證明或 100%。

Generally a Taiwanese resident making payments for services to a nonresident service provider (whether corporate or individual) is required to withhold income tax at the rate of 20% where the payments constitute TSI.

Article 8 of Income Tax Law and Article 15-1 of Taiwan Sourced Income (TSI) Guidance, foreign companies without permanent establishment (PE) derived income in Taiwan are subject to WHT. Amendment for Article 15-1 has applied deemed profit ratio method to calculate the WHT rate.

WHT rate = Deemed profit ratio (*) X Contribution ratio (**) X 20%

* Deemed profit ratio can be obtained from accounting record or similar contract or industry comparable.

** Contribution ratio has to be certified by COA or from similar approved contract or 100%.


Article 25-1 of Income Tax Law, any profit-seeking enterprise engaging the stipulated business and having its head office outside the territory of the Republic of China (R.O.C), can instead apply the following deemed profit ratio to calculate the WHT rate.

Business of foreign enterprise Deemed profit ratio (A) WHT rate (B) Effective WHT rate (A X B)
International transport business 10% 20% 2%
Construction contracting 15% 20% 3%
Technical services 15% 20% 3%
Machinery and equipment leasing 15% 20% 3%

經稅務機關批准,例如200萬新台幣技術服務費將產生30萬新台幣(新台幣200萬X 15%)的視為利潤,因此預扣稅金額為新台幣6萬(新台幣30萬X 20%)或(新台幣2 百萬 X 3%)。

如果沒有獲得稅務機關的批准或申請被拒絕,預提稅為 40 萬新台幣(新台幣 200 萬 X 20%)。

Upon approval from tax authority, for example technical service fee of NTD 2 million would yield deemed profit of NTD 300,000 (NTD 2 million X 15%), hence the WHT amount would be NTD 60,000 (NTD 300,000 X 20%) or (NTD 2 million X 3%).

WHT would have been NTD 400,000 (NTD 2 million X 20%) if no approval obtained or application rejected from tax authority.

Generally, these are the withholding tax rates and applicable to concerning countries with whom Taiwan does not have a Double Taxation Agreement (DTA).

No. Type of Payments DTA rates Remarks
1 Business profits (without PE) 20% (Max) Can apply deemed profit ratio as in Article 15-1 or Article 25-1
2 Dividends 21%
3 Interest (General) 20%
4 Royalties fee 20%/10%/0% 台灣企業支付海外公司智慧財產權IP授權金,在未申請租稅減免情況下,給付時需按20%扣繳率進行扣繳。有關權利金之扣繳節稅方式有兩種:申請適用租稅協定上限稅率;申請適用所得稅法第4條第21款權利金免稅0%。(20240321 Added)
5 Technical services 3% Apply deemed profit ratio 10% or 15% as in Article 25-1
6 Professional services (Individual) 20% (Max) Can apply deemed profit ratio as in Article 15-1 or Article 25-1


付款機制 Mechanism of Pay


居民納稅人的扣繳義務人應當在每月10日內繳納,並於每年1月以前向稅務機關提交扣繳義務證明書; 每年2月10日前提供給納稅人。 而非居民的扣繳人應在扣繳之日起10日內繳納並提交扣繳證明。


Article 88 of Income Tax Law states that the withholder shall withhold tax payable at the time of payment and pay in accordance to Article 92. Withholder of resident taxpayer shall pay within 10th of each month and submit withholding certificate to tax authority by January each year and provide to taxpayers before 10 February each year. While the withholder of non-resident shall pay and submit withholding certificate within 10 days from withholding.

The withholding tax is a final tax unless the nonresident service provider appoints a tax agent in Taiwan who can apply for a refund of excess tax withheld by filing a tax return.




*台灣薪資法規地圖 請點擊
在考勤作業方面服務態樣 :
F: 使用永輝考勤系統完整模組,包括:請假,加班,排班,GPS打卡。
B: 貴司提供請假,加班,排班及打卡資料,永輝產生交叉比對報表給貴司。
*台灣勞動管理QA 請點擊